Concept to Licensing LLC
⇒ Colle Davis — Executive Coaching and Mentoring
⇒ Colle Davis — New Leader Assimilation Course
⇒ Phyllis Davis — Ethics and Etiquette Expert in American Business
⇒ Founder/Director — American Business Ethics and Etiquette Trainers Association (ABEETA)
⇒ Author — Navigating Virtue: Ethics and Etiquette in the American Business Landscape
© 1996 – 2024 – All Rights Reserved – Colle and Phyllis Davis

Executive Coaching and Mentoring
Spend some time learning from Colle Davis.
No BS. No Horsefeathers.
Thousands of clients achieving success over 40 years.
Your first conversation and first coaching session are free.
804.467.1536 EDT cdavis@mycoach.com
Book your FIRST FREE CONVERSATION with Colle Davis on his online calendar: CLICK HERE.
Your first conversation and first coaching session are free. Your life will never be the same. Virtual Coaching is available and most of my clients choose coaching over the phone.
We do not promote Ivory Tower elitism because those tenets are difficult to measure and have less application in a rapidly changing world demanding flexibility, not perfection.
If you are looking for a coach that follows a script, we are not for you. We’re known for our ability to help our clients achieve their outcomes ahead of schedule while they’re having more fun than they thought possible and then winning at the game. We specialize in teaching you to leverage your skills, talents, abilities and contacts to multiply the impact of your resources.
We understand boardrooms and back rooms and how deals are sealed. We have 3-D vision with business in our blood and philosophy in our souls. Management consulting is serious, and we’ve earned the right to call ourselves worthy of being trusted advisors to business titans, politicians and corporate leaders.
Your first conversation and first coaching session are free. Call to make an appointment with Colle Davis. Your life will never be the same. Virtual Coaching is available and most of my clients choose coaching over the phone or on Zoom.
Envision yourself moving up faster than your peers. We all need someone to trust. Allow us that privilege. Contact us today. EMAIL or 804-467-1536 EDT

Conduct your own New Leader Assimilation (NLA) Program in house.
The New Leader Assimilation Program introduces your new leaders and their staff to each other in a half-day (4-hour) or less. This NLA Program shortens the time frame for relationship building from many months to a few hours. This easy-to-follow program is affordable, high energy, interactive and enjoyable for your staff.
The New Leader Assimilation Program is a six-step process that offers a new leader’s support staff an opportunity to ask an array of questions to their new leader while giving their impressions of their new leader in a safe and supportive environment. It uses the fastest and most effective resources for creating working teams. It may not be magic, but the immediate results seem like magic.
The support staff can address their concerns, and each New Leader gains an astute insight into their new team and how this group of people thinks and responds to various situations, stimulations, and understanding. This Program shortens the time frame for relationship building from several months to a few hours.
Our New Leader Assimilation Program Report offers:
- A Facilitator’s Guide to conduct the Program
- A Participant’s Guide that explains the process for asking questions and providing impressions to their New Leader
- A New Leader’s guide to support their process for answering the questions and creating a positive impression with their direct reports. This report was created by Colle Davis, CMC – Certified Master Coach, CEO, Concept to Licensing LLC, a Virginia-based company, USA. Colle Davis has been an Executive Coach for 40 years and has conducted many New Leader Assimilation (NLA) Programs for large companies and startups.
Contact Us: http://mycoach.com cdavis@mycoach.com – 804-467-1536. If you’d like to speak to Colle Davis, book some time on his online calendar.

Become Certified as an Ethics and Etiquette Expert in American Business with Phyllis Davis
American Business Ethics and Etiquette Trainers Association (ABEETA)
A Division of Concept to Licensing LLC

Title: Navigating Virtue: Ethics and Etiquette in the American Business Landscape by Phyllis Davis
Release Date: August 2024, eBook,
hardback, paperback and Audible
TO READ Phyllis Davis’s Bio: CLICK HERE.
Navigating Virtue embarks on a journey through the corridors of American business, unraveling the intricacies of ethical decision-making, interpersonal dynamics, and the collective responsibility we share in shaping the future of work. Navigating Virtue is not just a book; it is a companion for those who seek to navigate the challenges and opportunities of the American business landscape with virtue, integrity, and a commitment to the common good. As we embark on this odyssey, let us together explore the transformative power of ethics and etiquette in building a more resilient, compassionate, and successful business environment.
Phyllis Davis, Director and Founder of the American Ethics and Etiquette Trainers Association (2001), invests in the success of a company’s future by teaching managers and the workforce current effective business practices.
Her 40 years as a Corporate Trainer in the field of Ethics and Etiquette in American Business also mixes her humor to present a compelling case for serious topics such as hierarchy in the workplace, resolving issues with teams, or dining manners with clients.
Phyllis Davis, Ethics and Etiquette Expert in American Business
804-467-3752 EDT EMAIL https://ethics-etiquette.com
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