Executive Coaching

Executive Coaching 

We do not promote Ivory Tower elitism because those tenets are difficult to measure and have less application in a rapidly changing world demanding flexibility, not perfection.

If you are looking for a coach that follows a script, we are not for you. We’re known for our ability to help our clients achieve their outcomes ahead of schedule while they’re having more fun than they thought possible and then winning at the game. We specialize in teaching you to leverage your skills, talents, abilities and contacts to multiply the impact of your resources.

We understand boardrooms and back rooms and how deals are sealed. We have 3-D vision with business in our blood and philosophy in our souls. Management consulting is serious, and we’ve earned the right to call ourselves worthy of being trusted advisors to business titans, politicians and corporate leaders.

Envision yourself moving up faster than your peers.  We all need someone to trust. Allow us that privilege. Call us today. 804-467-1536.

Spend some time in our Coaching Nest with Colle Davis

804.467.1536   EMAIL

Your first conversation and first coaching session are free. Call to make an appointment with Colle Davis to spend a couple of hours in our Coaching Nest. Your life will never be the same. Virtual Coaching is also available and most of my clients choose coaching over the phone.

We’re located about 20 minutes North of Downtown Richmond, Virginia. If you’d like to take Amtrak, we’ll pick you up and take you back to the Atlee Station near Ashland, Virginia.

Executive Coaching is ideal for:

  • Managers who need polish in their interpersonal skills
  • Career transition
  • Learning the skills for successful mentoring and protege relationships
  • Mid-level managers who need skills and tools to advance their career
  • Guiding valuable employees requiring direction and guidelines to become more effective leaders
  • Advising team construction, team building and team management
  • New leader assimilation to quickly assume command and gain trust.


Executive Coaching offers answers for:

Inertia and the lack of political skills which creates a less-than-optimal working environment

  • Employees not knowing that they don’t know, which makes them unconsciously incompetent regarding the skills and behaviors vital for them to be trusted leaders
  • Employees who are highly competent in technical skills, but they may not possess the ‘people skills’ to effectively function as a leader
  • Employees who are often hired on their credentials, instead of for their talents
  • Employees who are dissatisfied with their job or simply burned out
  • Employees who are unaware of how to present themselves in a positive light within and outside of their organization
  • Employees who are personally troubled because of family or issues related to the economy
  • Disenfranchised employees who only perform at their minimum because of their fear and frustration
  • Anger in the workplace
  • Top talent who are frustrated with the slow economy or productivity.

The Benefits of Executive Coaching:

  • Master political skills in the workplace
  • Become an effective leader with superior management skills and save time for more creativity
  • Ask for and receive a raise one
  • Managers who need polish in their interpersonal skills
  • Practice laser-sharp communication skills
  • Demonstrate active listening skills
  • Learn the Behaviors of Success

Colle Davis is a Senior Level Executive Coach with more than 35 years of experience of working with Senior Executives, Middle Managers and Entrepreneurs.

Hire Colle Davis to:

  • Learn political skills in the workplace
  • Enhance your charisma level for becoming a highly paid employee and executive
  • Polish your skills for advancing or changing careers, or learn negotiate an exit package
  • Manage chaos and reduce stress to leave time for more creativity
  • Become MORE PRODUCTIVE in today’s workplace.

Call and schedule a time to speak with Colle Davis about coaching.
All coaching sessions are conducted over the phone.

804-467-1536  or  800-952-6224 (EDT)  EMAIL

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